Pandemic CLOSED

Pandemic CLOSED If we were watching a football game right now we would put the following score on the board in regards to the current global situation: Globalists/World Economic Forum - 10 Rest of Humanity - 1

Pandemic CLOSED

If we were watching a football game right now we would put the following score on the board in regards to the current global situation:

Globalists/World Economic Forum - 10

Rest of Humanity - 1

We think the game is in the early stages too and the Globalists have got off to a rapid start with much more attack to come.  The Rest of Humanity however has had a disastrous beginning and have folded quickly with the kowtowing and bending of the knee to their politicians which has resulted in their freedoms, liberties and way of life being stripped away.

The mass formation psychosis or “under the spell” if you want the layman’s definition has been widespread and quite literally across the board all because of a virus (which is still to be isolated and proven) and which carried with it a 99%+ chance of survival and recovery.  

If you are anything like us watching this all unfold the past 2 and a bit years has shaken many to the core and really caused one to question everything, as well as hours and hours of research in a quest to get to the bottom of it all.

It all started with 2 weeks to flatten the curve...

Since then we have gone through a series of events which even the simplest of people should be beginning to question but only if they are willing to break the hypnosis and see it for what it really is.  Let’s have a recap of some but not all of them shall we?

It's for your safety

4 weeks to flatten the curve

Lockdowns - Level 1, 2, 3, 4

Social Distancing

Say Yes to the Test

QR Code

Scan to enter

Contact Tracing

Restricted Travel

Slow the Spread

Stop the Spread

Be Kind

Build Back Better

Delta Variant

Alpha Variant

Beta Variant

Omicron Variant

Vaccination 1

Vaccination 2

Booster 3

Booster 4

Take one for the team

Safe and Effective

Herd Immunity



Vaccination Pass

Traffic Lights - Red, Orange, Green

In less than 18 months we are now at the point of “Show me your papers!”

STOP for a moment right now and ask yourself at what other time in history was the same statement used?

In case you missed it and just to make sure we are all on the same page here - the world as you know it is in a monumental struggle for not only survival but also spiritually, physically and economically.

You are at war, some of you may or may not realise that and the following are your enemy:





Mainstream Media

Big Pharma and much of the medical industry

The coordination and planning that has gone into Covid-19 prior to it being launched on the world was from our research carefully mapped out and highly detailed and as you have now seen executed to a level that takes your breath away.  In fact research tells us that they actually had it planned for around 2014/2015 but due to certain key events taking place it was not rolled out at this time.

We have to hand it to the Globalists, they have done a very good job in persuading the masses that "it's for your safety" and basically leading them down the garden path to an end point which is still relatively unknown; however, if you take just a peek at Klaus Swhab’s book - The Great Reset, you will be able to find the pure evil that is now in the early stages of development on you, your family and the world as a whole.  Mind you they have been planning this for decades and so far they have been very successful.

You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out that it is indeed sinister, frightening and most of all designed to fundamentally depopulate the world on a large scale with the balance left facing a new world order where they own nothing and will be happy, have chips inserted into their brains by way of Trans humanism, and every aspect (we really do mean every aspect) controlled via a totalitarian credit system which rates you on your compliance levels and obedience to the system.  The Vax Pass is simply the beginning of this horror show and you would be wise to reject it altogether.

It is a dystopian nightmare one which is warned about firstly in the Bible and in many books throughout history with probably the most recognised one being George Orwell’s 1984 book, and now is fast becoming a reality under The Great Reset Agenda.

Your Government and it’s politicians are bought and paid for and are mere puppets in this scenario executing the agenda under orders and are certainly not the ones “pulling the strings”.  If you think this is nonsense then please explain why up till now everything across the globe has been so well rolled out, scripted and delivered.

No, this is much bigger and greater than that, this is a fight for your freedom and liberty and we stand on the precipice or at the crossroads waiting to see which way we go.

History tells us that compliance never results in you getting your freedoms back, in fact the direct opposite happens in that they continuously get taken away.


If you are gullible enough to believe that discriminating against people is okay based on a medical procedure with an injection that is experimental and whether you have had it or not, that somehow that is going to protect you, then you really are in trouble and the propaganda machine has well and truly done it’s job and you have been conned.  You may be offended by that but we sincerely hope that in our bluntness you awaken out of your stupor, dispel the fear porn and see the truth for what it is.

They are Closing the Pandemic now because the mission has been successful:

Create the Fear

Confusion and then Division

Provide the "Solution" - Mandated (Not Legal) Experimental Injection to the masses

Discrimination and isolation of those who choose freedom and sovereignty of their body over submission to the system

Carnage Unfolds - Sickness and Death on a scale you have never seen from those injected with the "Solution"

Usher in the New World Order

The devastation to individuals, families, and children because of the mandates is far-reaching and has destroyed countless lives.  The coercion has been extreme, the social pressure relentless and the bullying well beyond a level that is acceptable.

The Great Awakening is now becoming a reality as more and more people across the globe wake up to the fact that their government has been lying to them and that they are not the one source of truth.  The realisation that under the guise of a pandemic you are expected and forced to give up your freedoms and liberties is now no longer sitting well with the populace and it is time to say enough is enough.

God bless those Truckers in Canada, they may have just started a peaceful revolution that saves us all from the Tyranny of the past two years, exposes our politician’s for who they are - liars and frauds, and dismantles a gigantic machine that at it’s foundation has the goal of killing you.

“Every part of our lives will be subject to control.  This virus is about training us for submission, training us to do what we’re told.  To not go to the beach unless we’re told, to not kiss our girlfriend without their permission.  They’re turning us into production units and consuming entities.  They are going to rob us not only of our democracy and our liberties, but our souls.  They are going to inject us with the medicines they want and they’re going to charge us for the diseases they give us.  They are going to control every part of our lives.  We are in the last battle.  We are in the apocalypse.  We are fighting for the salvation of humanity.  We all knew this was coming, though I never believed it would come in my lifetime.  But here it is.”

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

In the 89th minute the Rest of Humanity just scored another goal against the Globalists... is Now on GETTR!  

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