Covid-19 - Scam of the Century

One day our children are going to look back at this time in history and hopefully while still living in freedom and liberty, talk about how the world in the main hardly offered a whimper of protest against the tyranny and grasp for global control by the elite and new world order.

Covid-19 - Scam of the Century

One day our children are going to look back at this time in history and hopefully while still living in freedom and liberty, talk about how the world in the main hardly offered a whimper of protest against the tyranny and grasp for global control by the elite and new world order.

If we were to tell you and show you that Covid-19 was planned from the get go and the execution of those same plans by Globalists such as the Rockefeller Family, Klaus Swhab, George Soros, Bill Gates, and others was both deliberate and intentional, how would you respond?

If we were to again tell and show you that WHO is corrupt beyond your wildest imaginations and your national politicians are also just as corrupt and mere puppets in all of this, being told what to do and how to roll out the plan (Build Back Better ring any bells in your head???), and, in some cases deeply involved in the global plan, while they sell out you, your country and everything you hold dear such as privacy, freedom of movement and meeting together, how would you respond?

If we were again to tell and show you that ALL MSM is controlled by certain forces and people who only want you to see one side of the story.  Social media giants are deliberately removing and cancelling anything and anyone who offers a viewpoint different to them and ensuring that you are being programmed and brainwashed to believe the narrative that they know best, while you watch the news every day, read the paper, and look at Netflix every night transfixed by the messages they are feeding you as you stupidly swallow their hidden in plain sight messaging every single day - how would you respond?

If we were to tell and show you that Hollywood is run by Pedophiles and the music industry by Freemasons and for the last 30 years at least has been programming you through movies, videos and tv shows to accept the coming new world order and global system which will enslave you - how would you respond?

We ask these questions because we want you to STOP and think for a moment and question everything you are watching and listening to right now.

Many would call us Conspiracy Theorist’s, some would say we are nut jobs, others would write us off as going too far down the rabbit hole and getting stuck there.

We like the labels and name calling because by thorough research and investigation it is our opinion that these statements are true.  

No, we haven’t just jumped online and got our “facts” from the internet or referred to fakebook’s “fact-checkers” or listened to the government for the sole one source of truth or watched a video on screwtube.  Actually, we have literally spent hundreds of hours researching, documenting and proving the theory correct that Covid was planned, staged and seized upon by the Globalists as their moment to execute tyranny and control on the globe.

The mountain load of evidence pointing to all of the above leaves you gasping for air as you slowly and then rapidly begin to realise that you are being lied to, deceived, and shown your future here on earth, because you are compliant, accepting, and frankly too trusting, none the wiser and asleep.

Candace Owens in a recent tweet stated it well when she said:

“It’s pretty incredible to consider that right now governments are like “in order to keep you safe, we need to impoverish you, imprison you, force mask and vaccinate you, plus separate you from your family” and there are millions of people out there that are just like “okay!”

In 2010 the Rockefeller Foundation in conjunction with the Global Business Network under the title Operation Lockstep developed a playbook for Covid-19; some sources say it never existed but below we outline in summary the “scenario planning exercise” where future events that we may or may not be planning are “gamed”.

If we are not mistaken it sounds a lot like the last 18 months, bear in mind again that this was written in 2010.

1st Phase - Common cold/flu.  Mild symptoms at most.  Media endorsement of mass paranoia and fear.  Flawed testing system utilised, which picks up any genetic material in the body and triggers a positive result. (Sound familiar?  For the lefty’s who read this , think PCR test in case you didn't figure that out).  Inflation of Covid case numbers, through a changing of death certificates, double-counting and classifying all deaths including other diseases and natural causes as Covid-19.  Lockdown will condition us to life under Draconian laws, prevent protests and identify public resistance.

2nd Phase - The 1st phase will lead to compromised and frail immune systems through lack of food, social distancing, wearing masks and lack of contact with sunlight and healthy bacteria.  Exposure to 5G radiation will further attack the immune system.  Thus, when people re-emerge into society, more people will fall ill.  This will be blamed on Covid-19.  This will all occur before the vaccination is ready to justify it.  A longer and more potent lockdown will follow until everyone takes the vaccine.

Phase 3 - If majority of people resist the vaccine, a weaponised SARS/HIV/MERS virus will be released.  A lot of people will die from this.  It will be survival of the fittest.  It will also be the ultimate push for everyone to be vaccinated in order to return to normality.  Those who have taken the vaccine will be at war with those who have not.  It will be anarchy from all sides.

Event 201, the much-noticed planning event run by the Gates Foundation, the World Economic Forum and the Michael Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University’s Center for Health Security, also “gamed” a global “novel zoonotic coronavirus” pandemic “modelled on SARS” killing 65 million people, issuing recommendations on how corporations could “help” in such a crisis.

Now you the people are being told that vaccines will provide you with the immunity you lack.  This is an even greater threat to mankind as the vaccines being pushed so hard by your politicians, celebrities and MSM are DNA tamperers.  The Adverse Reaction Data is now also being “altered” with and suppressed so you are unable to make an informed decision as to whether they are actually safe or not.

Don’t get us wrong we are neither pro nor anti vaccinations but the red flags quickly get raised when all of the vaccines produced are still in their trial stage, can only be administered under a state of emergency (now you know why you have lockdowns and the emergency dates keep getting renewed/extended), and none of the manufacturers have any legal liability. (Governments are forced to sign legal documents prior to rollout which remove any liability or recourse for death or adverse reactions to those receiving their vaccines)

When you also begin to think that we have never had a vaccine rolled out for HIV, Cancer and other major diseases, yet for something as common as the flu the amount of coercion, manipulation and pressure currently being applied for you to take the shot, you can be forgiven for being a little hesitant or downright suspicious as to why???

Certainly the government and MSM should not be listened to and by and large the medical community was bought and paid for a long time ago by Big Pharma who dictate the roll out, incentive payments and rig the testing results in their favour so you the individual won't question any of it.  Sadly the vast majority of health professionals also buy into this under huge pressure from their health bodies and Big Pharma again to ensure that they conform to the status quo and "keep their job", all the while banking those extra bonus payments when they perfom to expectation and successfully roll out whatever medication/drug/shot the Big Pharma and their overlords want them to.

“If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we can lower that (world population) by 10 or 15 percent”.  

Bill Gates - February 20, 2010 - TED Conference

Of course the decision is yours as to what you do with this new found information and insight, after all you are responsible or should be for your life, body and what you put into it.  We prefer to listen to arguably the world’s authority and expert in this field who recently stated the following:

“Do not take the (Covid) vaccines, they are not safe.” “There is absolutely no need for vaccines to extinguish the pandemic.  I’ve never heard such nonsense talks about vaccines.  You do not vaccinate people who aren’t at risk from a disease.  You also don’t set about planning to vaccinate millions of fit and healthy people with a vaccine that hasn’t been extensively tested on human subjects.”

Dr. Michael Yeadon - Former Vice President and Chief Scientist of Pfizer

In fact the question isn’t whether you are pro-vax or anti-vax.  The question is whether we do or we do not have body sovereignty.  Allow anyone else but you to decide what you will inject into your body to travel, shop, work, or play and you are no longer free.

The Covid-19 game and playbook is nothing more than a ruling class dream come true.  It’s goal is to spell the end of the sovereign individual in a cradle-to-grave system of behavioural, medical, digital surveillance and control.

“The corona panic is a play.  It’s a scam.  Swindle.  It’s high time we understood that we’re in the midst of a global crime.”

Dr. Heiko Schoning - Doctors for Information, Germany

The choice is yours as you and we the people.  Will we submit blindly to an authoritarianism takeover where the evisceration of your rights and sovereignty is at stake and now in plain sight, or, will you resist at every step the notion that the corporate state is lord and master over one’s person.

“The secret of freedom lies in educating people, whereas the secret of tyranny is in keeping them ignorant".  

Maximilien Robespierre

Coming next on

America, America, God Shed His Grace On Thee

Trump Back in the White House by the end of the year... and how the 2020 Election Audit in Arizona massively impacts you and your freedoms, and, why the globe will go dark should the Patriots fail.