
www.itsgonepolitical.com has come about from a rapidly growing dissatisfaction of our current political systems around the world.
With self-serving President's, elected officials, political parties that are only interested in power, and holding on to it at all costs; and leaders who for the last 30 years have done much more harm than good we felt it was time to take a stand and add a voice which is conservative by nature and viewpoint, and, cares about values, integrity, honesty and transparency and most of all responsibility.

We are sick and tired of the liberal/socialists/communists and far left Marxists, mainstream media and their lies, along with minority groups and the constant pushing of their opinions and agenda onto mainstream society, and, telling us what to do, when and how to do it, and in general attempting to run every aspect of our lives because they believe they know what is best for us.

BIG government is well and truly alive around the world with democracy fading fast into oblivion and we need more voices to stand up for our Freedoms and Liberty because our politicians refuse to do so.

Here at www.itsgonepolitical.com we like to think we represent you, the silent majority who day after day put up with the rubbish and nonsense coming out of our government system and we now want to put a voice to your concerns and frustration.

Thanks for supporting us, help spread the message by subscribing to our blog and share it with all your family and friends. We are on GETTR too and you can follow us at: https://gettr.com/user/itgonepolitical

If you like what we stand for then do your bit and don't stay silent. Your country needs you, now, more than ever - Democracy only works effectively when the majority are educated, informed and prepared to challenge the establishment, your representatives in power, and, hold them accountable.


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